Wow, has it really been over a month since my last post, oops. Just got back from Vegas and the first Xterra of the season. Had a really solid race to place 4th right in the mix with the big girls.
Before I get to the race I will, in brief point form, catch up on a month of blogging - here goes:
1 - Drove home in two days from Alabama in the most horrible weather. Nothing but pouring rain, high winds, and lots of trucks blowing all over the highway. This is a very big concern when you are driving a tiny Toyota Echo, but I made it home safe and sound, though a little frazzled. Didn't even have any troubles with customs crossing the border. No, of course I don't have anything to declare, yah right!!!
2 - Went back to work. Spring is always the busiest time of the year in the landscape construction industry so back at it full on the day after I got back. Been putting in 30-40hrs a week on top of training, doesn't leave much time for blogging.
3 - Raced the "Homage to Ice" 50km mountain bike race on Apr 11th. Ontario has an awesome new marathon MTB race series ( so I decided to head out to the first race at the Mansfield Outdoor Center. It was perfect day for riding and these trails are usually closed to the public so a fabulous time was held by all.
4 - Raced "Paris to Ancaster" Ontario's answer to Paris-Roubaix. This race is a total blast. It is a 60km race along rail trails, gravel and paved roads, wooded trails, random farmers fields, their driveways, around their barns, past the trackers..... Most people ride cycle-cross bikes, but as I don't have one I rode my fully (good training right) In wet years this might work out to be an even race, but it was so dry this year I was definitely at a disadvantage. That was until the infamous Powerline Road Mudslide. Not sure if it is considered a trail, kinda looks like a drainage ditch. Anyways, in dry years they back up the water truck and give it a good soaking just to make sure everyone gets to slip and slide all the way down it. Good times, might even have to get a cross bike for next year.
5 - Headed to Las Vegas for the Xterra West Regional Championships.... will expand next post!!

Leading the women out of the water in my new Rocket Science Sports wetsuit
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