Bootleg Canyon, Nevada

Gene trying not to get frustrated with his class
Day one started with learning how to properly look ahead on the trail by using your peripheral vision. It is much harder to do than you think but seriously works if you can convince your brain that you don't have to look down. Body position on climbs and descents as well as how to do wheelies were also covered. My wheelies definitely need work. Saturday, day two, I managed to get my butt out of bed early and get to the pool for a quick swim before the camp got rolling. We started the day in a pavement parking lot learning how to corner properly. This is one skill that I have never felt comfortable with, even on my road bike, and now I know why. I was doing it all wrong.
Me learning proper cornering technique (smiling is mandatory)
We also learned braking techniques (ie your front brake is your best friend) then headed out to the trails to implement what we learned. It is definitely going to take some time to get used to these new techniques but I can tell they are going to make a huge difference in my riding. The key is going to be not reverting back to my old bad habits. Tomorrow: switchbacks and rear wheel wheelies, oh boy!!! Hopefully I will have more photos of the canyon as it is really spectacular but so far I have forgotten to take any until it is too dark.
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